Thanks much, Sara!

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Sara, I love and adore your book, "A Song Called Home." It's food for the soul. I'm happy to have discovered your writing. I see you've written many others. I don't have a burning question at the moment, but will eventually. My love of reading led to writing, as it often does. My first novel is contracted to come out in 2023. Besides your writing, I also love the stories of Amy Willoughby-Burle, Buck Storm, and Heather Bell Adams, plus a whole bunch of others. There's not enough time in the day to read all that I want. God bless you for your inspired, down-to-earth, heartfelt writing.

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Sara. I’ve read almost all of your novels. One of the reasons I like them so much is the empathy I feel for the characters (Gem & Dixie in particular crushed me emotionally in a way that simple black marks on a piece of paper have no right to do). May question is about generating that emotional connection between character and reader. I notice you spend a lot of time inside character’s heads. Is that something you do consciously as you write? Revise? Other things you do to work your snake charmer’s magic on the reader? Thanks!

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How to cope when out on submission for the 1st time...am doing my nut, supposed to be working on second novel but procrastinating and doing anything BUT. Help!

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