Sarah Enni is the host and producer of the First Draft podcast and an author in her own right. This was a great conversation to wrap the TCL-Pandemic season, as Sarah and I got into therapy talk, making big life changes, the upsides of being "optimistically nihilistic" about publishing, the pros and cons of life hacking, and of course Burning Man.
Ep 75: Season Finale with Sarah Enni
Ep 75: Season Finale with Sarah Enni
Ep 75: Season Finale with Sarah Enni
Sarah Enni is the host and producer of the First Draft podcast and an author in her own right. This was a great conversation to wrap the TCL-Pandemic season, as Sarah and I got into therapy talk, making big life changes, the upsides of being "optimistically nihilistic" about publishing, the pros and cons of life hacking, and of course Burning Man.